How do I get the latest version of Sounds Active ESE software?

You can download the latest version of Sounds Active Essential Sound Engineering from your online License Report.  Simply log in with your license serial number and the password you chose when installing the software and you will find a download link at the top of the page.

What version of Sounds Active ESE am I running?

Sounds ESE home page highlighting position of version numberThe version number is displayed at the bottom right corner of the Sounds Active ESE home page, as shown.  If there is no version number shown, you are running version 1.0.6 or earlier and you should consider upgrading to the latest version (1.0.8 or higher).

How do I stop Sounds Active ESE asking for unlock codes?

The first time you run Sounds Active ESE, you are guided through the unlock process, and you must enter a valid unlock code (from our online licensing system) within 24 hours.  Once you have done that, you should not be asked again when you run the software.

If you are asked to unlock Sounds Active ESE every time you run it:

  1. Please upgrade to version 1.0.8 or higher.
  2. On multi-user Windows PCs, it’s not enough to simply unlock the software while logged in as a user with administrator privileges.  To unlock the software for all users on the PC, the first time you run Sounds Active ESE you should right-click on soundsactive-ese in the Programs list and choose Run as administrator.  If you did not do this, then non-admin users will continue to be asked to unlock the software.  Contact db audioware for assistance in resetting your PC’s unlock status.

How do I get rid of the black boxes?

On some Windows PCs a permissions restriction in the Sounds Active program folder causes virtual equipment to appear as black boxes in interactive lesson steps.  Please upgrade to version 1.0.8 or higher.

Where do I find Sounds Active ESE in Windows?

Sounds Active ESE appears in the Windows Start > Programs (Apps) menu under group heading db-audioware.

If you can’t find it there, or a shortcut icon on the desktop, please upgrade to version 1.0.8 or higher.

In OS X, how do I switch audio output to the default device?

A bug in the original version of Sounds Active ESE meant that audio was always routed to the Mac’s internal loudspeakers instead of the selected default device.  Please upgrade to version 1.0.8 or higher.

Can I change the music in Sounds Active ESE?

Sounds Active equipment store highlighting media barNo and Yes. You can’t change the music in any of the lesson content, since this was all carefully selected to precisely illustrate the concepts being taught.

You can however change and add to the music available via the media bar that appears in most of the Equipment Store pages, shown here.

Simply add your new music to the Sounds Active ESE MediaPlayer folder located as follows:

Windows (32 bit) C:\Program Files\db-audioware\Sounds Active ESE\MediaPlayer
Windows (64 bit) C:\Program Files (x86)\db-audioware\Sounds Active ESE\MediaPlayer
OS X Macintosh HD:/Library/Application Support/db audioware/Sounds Active ESE/MediaPlayer

Subfolders within this directory appear as sections in the media bar listing.

Please Note: Audio should be encoded in Ogg Vorbis (.ogg) format, 44.1 kHz sample rate.

How does a Sounds Active ESE license work?
  • Each Sounds Active ESE license (5-Workstation or Site) must be assigned to a specific owner/location with a nominated contact person for that license.
  • Sounds Active ESE must be unlocked individually on each workstation running the software.
  • Unlocking Sounds Active ESE is done via www.soundsactive.com/unlock.  This generates a unique unlock code for the specified workstation and updates the online license record.
  • db audioware sends all unlock codes and future support emails to the nominated contact for that license.

Ordinarily the license contact will be a teacher, lecturer or technician in the establishment that owns the Sounds Active ESE license.

Note for Site Licenses:  Since all unlock codes are sent to the license contact, staff or students installing Sounds Active ESE at home will be directed to get their code from that person.  Ideally this would be the same person who gave them a copy of the software to install and the serial number to use when unlocking it, for example by lending them a Home Install disk.

How can I speed up Sounds Active ESE installs?

When installing Sounds Active ESE on to multiple computers, you may find it useful to copy the contents of your install disk (or unzipped SA-ESE-108-FULL folder from your download) to a USB memory stick to use as a portable install tool.

And to save you waiting for unlock codes to arrive by email, open your online License Report in its own browser window and refresh the page every time you request an unlock code: your new unlock code will appear as the latest entry in the list.

Can I install Sounds Active ESE over a network?

Yes.  IT managers should contact db audioware to discuss their specific network installation requirements.